Una gran escuela va más allá de proporcionar una educación de primera categoría. En Wellspring, creemos en fomentar niños equilibrados, integrales y prósperos al ofrecer oportunidades dentro y fuera del aula. Nuestros programas incluyen formación espiritual, aventuras al aire libre, celebraciones culturales, deportes y más. Pero nuestra misión se extiende más allá de los estudiantes. Nos esforzamos por ser un lugar para toda la familia, ofreciendo programas y políticas que apoyan el florecimiento de los padres. Descubra más sobre nuestros programas y ofertas a continuación.
Elementary & Middle School
Wellspring Catholic Academy of St. Bernadette is a K – 8th Grade Catholic Expeditionary Learning School that is redefining Catholic Education. Our school day is 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., beginning with a school-wide prayer on the field at 8:20 a.m.
Preschool & Pre-K
We offer a Catholic, Colorado Shines 4-Star rated preschool program for early learners, beginning at age 3.
Before & After School Care
We offer a high-quality program for before-school and after-school care, focused on supporting academic skills (like literacy and math), engaging creativity through arts, encouraging fun and healthy play with classmates, and being active. After Care runs from dismissal at 3:00 p.m. until 5:45 p.m. each day. This program is affordably priced – to learn more about enrolling in Before or After Care, please get in touch with the school office.
Sacramental Preparation & Youth Group
We offer many programs to nourish the faith formation of our students, including sacramental preparation, a youth group for 4th grade and up, as well as retreats, regular liturgies (weekly mass & adoration), and diverse opportunities for prayer.
Outdoor Adventure & Excursion
We offer an outdoor adventure and excursion program to all students, giving them scaffolded opportunities to learn in and marvel at the natural beauty of our state, while also growing closer to one another through challenge and to God our creator, through communion with and care for God’s wondrous creation.
Cultural Celebrations & Community Events
We celebrate many cultural festivities, sacred feast days, holidays, and community events throughout the year that honor our diverse culture and build up our community.
As a member of the CSAL (Catholic Schools Athletic League), we offer fall, winter, and spring sports for grades 2nd & above, including Cross Country, Basketball, Futsal, and Volleyball.
Parent Involvement & Support
We offer parenting classes and fun outings, opportunities to volunteer and get involved, as well as a Parent & Community Council for parents interested in community leadership.